Thought Leadership

Thought Leadership Quotes

Thought Leadership

Here are my top 10 quotes on Thought Leadership.

  1. “Thought leaders are the informed opinion leaders and the go-to people in their field of expertise. They are trusted sources who move and inspire people with innovative ideas” – Denise Brosseau
  2. “Thought leaders advance the marketplace of ideas by positing actionable, commercially relevant, research-backed, new points of view. They engage in “blue ocean strategy” thinking on behalf of themselves and their clients, as opposed to simply churning out product-focused, brand-centric white papers or curated content that shares or mimics others’ ideas.”– Craig Badings and Liz Alexander
  3. “Thought Leadership is simply about becoming an authority on relevant topics by delivering the answers to the biggest questions on the minds of your target audience.” – Michael Brenner
  4. “A thought leader is someone with proven expertise and experience who isn’t afraid to share it with the world without direct compensation.” – Jay Baer
  5. “A thought leader is true to themselves even when others might laugh, disagree or nay-say. They actually walk their talk. Be an original, share your enthusiasm, educate yourself on your industry, make enough room for others, be open to criticism and don’t get short-sighted.” – Jessica Northey
  6. “To me, Thought Leadership is all about having the answers to the biggest questions on the minds of your buyers. It can also include your unique perspective on hot topics relevant to your customers. The key here is that the agenda is set by your audience. They determine what is important. It can be difficult to give up this control over to your buyers. But the fact is that they already have the control. And we can all benefit when we allow our audience to set the agenda and then just go with it.” – Michael Brenner
  7. “Thought Leadership is establishing a relationship with and delivering something of value to your stakeholders and customers that aligns with your brand/company value. In the process, you go well beyond merely selling a product or service and establish your brand /company as the expert in that field and differentiate yourself from your competitors.” – Thought Leaders International
  8. “Thought leaders ask “why?” a lot more than “what?” or “how?” Are you asking the right questions at the start?” – Craig Badings and Liz Alexander
  9. “Thought leaders are brave; explore areas others don’t, raise questions others won’t, and provide insights others can’t.” – Craig Badings and Liz Alexander
  10. “A thought leader is someone who looks at the future and sets a course for it that others will follow. Thought leaders look at existing best practices then come up with better practices. They foment change, often causing great disruption. Thought leaders are people, not companies. But very often an enterprise employs, encourages and embraces individual thought leaders, and thus earn recognition as a thought leadership company.” – Shel Israel
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