Leadership Challenges

Leadership Challenges

On #Leadership and the challenge ahead…this is an interesting conversation.

According to Duff McDonald, While there’s no question as to the value of strong leaders, there’s a huge one about whether business schools have made any contribution whatsoever to helping produce them. Barbara Kellerman, a lecturer at Harvard’s Kennedy School, puts it simply in Hard Times: Leadership in America when she says that the leadership industry “has failed over its roughly forty-year history to in any major, meaningful, measurable way improve the human condition.”

The Golden PassportINSEAD professors Gianpiero and Jennifer Petriglieri argue that the problem with most leadership teaching is that it dehumanizes leadership itself. Business schools achieve that unintended result by either narrowing students’ understanding of leadership into a goal-focused activity that is broken down into a set of skills, or by elevating it to the status of a virtue, “a kind of resolute equanimity unaffected by the pulls of incentives and the push of emotions.”

This book, “THE GOLDEN PASSPORT: Harvard Business School, the Limits of Capitalism, and the Moral Failure of the MBA Elite” is on my radar. Read more here:


Or what do you think?



Dr. ‘Flo Falayi is a Management Consultant and Leadership Coach enabling, empowering and developing next generation leaders and organizations. The Founder of The Hybrid Leadership Institute and referred to as The Hybrid Leader™- American Born, British Educated, and Nigerian Raised. 

Follow Dr. Flo on Twitter @DrFloFalayi 


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