Know Your Season

Know Your Season

Knowledge is vital!

The knowledge of timing and ability to recognize those moments is literally one of the key differences between success and failure. 

In life, we are all presented with time and opportunities also referred to as ‘chance’. The combination of the two factors are vital ingredients in seasons and I have observed three distinct seasons (often cyclical) that everyone goes through on their journey in life – 

The first is, “pre”; before their season.

The second is, “during”; the phase when you are in your season.

The third is, “post”; after your season.

What is extremely critical however is knowing what season you are in and what to do in that season. There are some instances where others’ intuition and perception help confirm one’s season but those instances are bonuses and rare. 

Identification dictates actions; seasons have expectations and you have to act and perform appropriately. Be aware of the continued need to grow and continue to fulfill your vision.

Finally, remember that seasons demand actions and your response (behaviors and words) reveal and confirm your wisdom or foolishness.

Make it a critical part of your daily routine to know your season.

To your continued success,
Your #LeadershipCoach,
Dr. Flo 

Know Your Season. 
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