How to make 2019 your best year.

How to make 2019 your best year.

There is a lot to do, accomplish, attain and achieve but without proper planning, thoughtful reflection, and deliberate accountability. Nothing significant will happen and history will repeat itself. So here are three things to do now to make the new year your best one yet.

1. Forget Resolutions

I admit this might not be one of the popular opinions especially with numerous articles to the contrary on the value of setting New Year’s Resolutions. Well, as a retired, avid resolution-er, I know why people like resolutions but with research estimation showing only 8% of people actually stay true to their resolutions. You can read more on my rationale here,

So what should you do instead?

2. Reflect & Appreciate

Reflect & Appreciate

Spend some time thinking about your year-long journey and appreciate how far you’ve come, what you’ve accomplished and learned.

Here are some questions to reflect upon:

  • What do you remember or which milestones can you quickly, easily recall?
  • What did you discover about yourself?
  • What key lessons did you learn?
  • What were the good and bad moments or events of the year?
  • Perhaps, most importantly, your relationships: which new ones did you create, which ones did you terminate, which ones did you suspend, develop and have elevated?

3. Ponder & Anticipate

Ponder & Anticipate

After you’ve spent some time reflecting on the year, switch gears and spend some time pondering.

To ponder means to think about (something) carefully, especially before making a decision or reaching a conclusion.

Here are a few synonyms to guide you further and give you ideas of how far you should go: what needs to be done: “contemplate, consider, review, reflect on, mull over, meditate on, muse on, deliberate about, cogitate on, dwell on, brood on, ruminate on, chew over, puzzle over, turn over in one’s mind”

  • As you ponder, settle upon your theme or an anchor word.
  • Write down your goals (I recommend no more than five to start, as you can come back to them at a later time
  • Iterate on your key focus areas
  • Craft a growth-minded strategic plan with specific, measurable, actionable, realistic and time-specific goals
  • Associate goals with experiences
  • Find and connect with mentors or coaches
  • Pray over your plans and get ready

Final words

In the new year, I want to challenge you to focus on being, and less on mere doing. Remember that to be or being is greater and far better than “doing”.

I am confident of what lies ahead in 2019, it will be a season of “be-ing” everything you were destined to be and much more. Believe that! God is doing a new thing. Here’s wishing you and yours a prosperous and extremely fulfilling 2019.
Dr. Flo

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