Don’t be Too Nice

Don’t be Too Nice

In matters of destiny, purpose, assignment, calling or passion, you can not be too nice.
You have to be ruthless.
You have to say No often.
You have to pay the prize.
Expect to miss out on some fun activities and casual appointments.

Anyway, here are three key ways to show up in life-

  1. You have to be purposefully driven to discover what your assignment means and entails.This includes who to follow, network with and learn from.
    This includes spending the time to discover your voice and tendencies.
    You have to be incredibly focused on self-development and ensuring you have the required skillset and expertise to make your dreams a reality.
  2. You have to commit to a lifelong journey of learning, growing and continuous improvement.
    Go outside your circles, network, reach out and if you can, travel and explore the world. Now, if you can’t physically travel, then let your mind travel via books, AI, or social media.
  3. You have to be extremely protective of who you invite into your space/circle and those you share your dreams and stories with. There are many dream killers, who in a bid to help will destroy your passion and drive. Their negativity is poisonous. Flee!


Lastly, don’t forget the need to remain prayerful, remember that we, humans brainstorm and plan but purposes are confirmed by God.
In summary, if you are on a mission with a vision, being nice will sabotage you.

You should be civil, humane, aware and respectful instead…
Forget Nice.


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