3 Daily Success Habits

3 Daily Success

3 Daily Success Habits

Success Is Achievable

You are designed to succeed but that dream and desire will not be evident without personal focus, rigor and discipline. Sadly, many remain enamored by their dreams that they refuse to put in the work needed to bring those dreams to reality. And yet, there are some who are unwilling or unable to pay the price. As a leadership coach, I demand a viewpoint that embraces success as an incremental and a deliberate process. To see success as a culmination of many journeys rather than one journey.

These success habits are based on research and expert analysis, and when applied with the required focus and hard work will help you build a successful, productive and fruitful life. These habits are important and worth considering as you prepare for the new year.

Habit #1 — Start and end each day with gratitude
Develop the habit of kneeling down or adopting a specific posture as it helps your mind shift to the present activity. Be expressive and grateful for the people, gifts, and opportunities around you.

Habit #2 — Prioritize your goals.
Reflect upon your ‘why’, and rank them in order of importance. Focus on the most important and work downwards. I want to encourage you to reflect upon your goals at a recommended frequency (daily, weekly, monthly, annually) as well because the key lies in being consistent.

Habit #3 — Ask Questions & Follow Through
Treat each day as a gift and ask questions. Like my mentor once said, “Be curious” and ask questions even if you know all the answers. Ask anyway. Here are 3 questions I recommend you ask –

  • What am I going to “start” doing today?
  • What am I going to “stop” doing today?
  • What am I going to “continue” doing today?


Here are a few more habits to consider as well…

Habit #4 — Focus on results not activities

Habit #5 — Learn something new each day

Habit #6 — Listen more & Speak less

Habit #7  — Be Healthy,  Exercise, Eat Healthy

To your continued success today and always,



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