Question: What Type Of Leader Are You?


Question: What Type Of Leader Are You?

Question Of The Week

Leaders, Do not forget that leadership is not a position but action! A wise man once said, that a great leader goes beyond mere words to specific, actionable, productive actions. The Question of the week is simple, “Which type of leader are you?”

Think about that deeply and ask people who you serve and know you.

Here are four types of actions from different leaders that could be of further assistance in your conversations. So are you the leader who tells, explains, demonstrates or inspires ?

You should know that you can be all!

Dr. Flo



What A Leader Does


Dr. ‘Flo Falayi is a Management Consultant and Leadership Coach enabling, empowering and developing next generation leaders and organizations. The Founder of The Hybrid Leadership Institute and referred to as The Hybrid Leader™- American Born, British Educated, and Nigerian Raised. 

Follow Dr. Flo on Twitter @DrFloFalayi 

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