Change Is Inevitable: 3 Ways To Survive Change

Change is Inevitable

Change Is Inevitable: 3 Ways To Survive Change

Changes are inevitable!

As time progresses, things will change.
As newer, faster, better products and processes become the norm, and economic cycles change.
New alliances and paradigms will arise.

It is, therefore, safe to assume that there will be no permanent structures, processes or systems because to be rigid in this “economy” will be a liability.

Change Curve

The Kubler-Ross Change Curve captures the 5 stages of grief faced by patients about to experience significant change due to terminal illnesses. This curve is widely in use in many corporations and organizations as a coaching tool and I have discovered that the more emphasis placed on the essence of change (the WHY) and not merely the new, future state. For more on this paradox, click here.


To further buttress my point, here’s a story that calls out CHANGE for what it really is…please read on.

Change: The Story of an EAGLE 

The Eagle has the longest life-span of its species. It can live up to 70 years. But to reach this age, the eagle must make a very difficult decision! In its 40th year, the eagle’s long and flexible Talons can no longer grab a prey which serves as food. Its long and sharp beak becomes bent.

Its old-aged and heavy wings, due to their thick feathers, stick to its chest and make it difficult to fly. Then, the eagle is left with only two options: DIE or go through a painful process of CHANGE!

This process lasts approximately 150 days (5 months).

The process requires the eagle to fly to a mountain top and sit on its nest. There the eagle knocks its beak against a rock until it plucks it out. Then the eagle will wait for the new beak to grow back after which it will pluck out its talons. When its talons grow back, the eagle starts plucking its old-aged feathers. And after this, the eagle takes its famous flight of rebirth and LIVES for 30 more years!!”

PS: This is a fictional story but…one that highlights WHY Change is critical.

So let’s summarize how to survive (or handle change) –

#1: EMBRACE the inevitability of change 

Change is SURVIVAL!
Organizations must change to SURVIVE
Businesses must change to SURVIVE
Nations must change to actualize their potentials (SURVIVE)
Humans change to SURVIVE

#2: UNDERSTAND that change is cyclical and has a window (years, seasons etc)

#3: ACCEPT and CONFRONT Change squarely.

Lastly, in accepting the philosophy of change, start with WHY or you risk dissent and perhaps sabotage, disillusionment, and failure.

Wishing you the very best,
Dr. Flo


Dr. ‘Flo Falayi is a Management Consultant and Leadership Coach enabling, empowering and developing next generation leaders and organizations. The Founder of The Hybrid Leadership Institute and referred to as The Hybrid Leader™- American Born, British Educated, and Nigerian Raised. 

Follow Dr. Flo on Twitter @DrFloFalayi 


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